Wholehearted Teaching with Adrian Del Monte

SPECIAL New Year's Episode: Daring Greatly in 2021 with Chey Cheney and Pav Wander

Adrian Del Monte Season 1 Episode 9

Welcome to 2021, a year that has so much potential for teaching!

We launch Season 2 through a wonderful conversation with Chey Cheney and Pav Wander, two Toronto teachers and hosts of The Staffroom Podcast who are just crushing it. Both Chey and Pav have taken huge risks,  put themselves out there to inspire their students and, as we discuss, are daring  greatly in the arena of classroom teaching.  I left this conversation inspired to take my own risks this year.

We also get into what happens when our great, big ideas hit challenges or attract pushback. Chey and Pav explain how they separate those voices which are just "performing" from those which are fully invested in their success.

I hope you leave this conversation full of courage to dare greatly in 2021!

You  can connect with Chey and Pav on Twitter:
Chey: www.twitter.com/mrccheney
Pav: www.twitter.com/PavWander
Staffroom Podcast: www.twitter.com/StaffPodcast