Wholehearted Teaching with Adrian Del Monte

Dear White Teachers: No One Said it Would Easy with Asante Haughton

Adrian Del Monte Season 1 Episode 16

Today's episode is all about how hard it is to build anti-racist classroom. It's not just hard for our racialized students, but it's also hard for white teachers (myself included) doing the hard work of examining whatever biases we hold.

But we have to do it.

In this episode, Asante Haughton tells us his own story of becoming a father, a mental health advocate, a 2XTed Talk speaker and an inspirational human being.  Yet, as a poor, black man he had to endure more than many of us ever will.   He was not always able to be authentic to who he was, dealt with tokenism in his school community, and constantly had to work against the system. That was hard and yet through his resilience and courage, he excelled..

You'll also hear about the hard work that white teachers must do to regularly and systematically challenge our own biases and assumptions. Asante argues that we can do this through the power of self-talk. By going through the HARD work of challenging those biases--each and every time they occur--we will begin to see differently, see the potential of each and every one of our students, regardless of what they look like or where they come from.

This is hard work. If it was easy everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it good. (cue the Tom Hanks references)

Asante's essay-- "Dear White People; Why Is Your Mental Health So White?"--is a wonderful piece of writing that you may want to read text.

You can also learn more about Asante by watching either of his two Ted Talks: "The Power of Second Chances" and "An Common Story of Hope and Redemption".

Please be sure to share this episode. It's one that could help you see your own students the way they were meant to be seen.

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