Wholehearted Teaching with Adrian Del Monte

Celebrating a Changing School Board with TCDSB Superintendent of Education Kimberly Dixon

Adrian Del Monte Season 1 Episode 18

When I first reached out to Kimberly Dixon, Superintendent in the Toronto Catholic DSB, I was hoping we would talk about intersectionality for much of the conversation. I assumed that because Kimberly is only the second black, female superintendent in the TCDSB, her story would be full of examples of how she had to rise above obstacles in what has been called the "dinosaur" of education systems.  

But this conversation turned into more than I expected.  

Kimberly's story is one that celebrates diversity and richness in the TCDSB. She talks the wonderful people and communities she has worked with. She talks about the progress and innovation and pivoting she has seen in this board. She talks about the incredible anti-racist educators she sees. And, despite me asking more than once, she is very clear that no one doubted her abilities as she climbed to a position of leadership.

Listen right to the end. Kimberly’s final message will be an encouragement if you work in Toronto Catholic, if your children attend her or if you know a teacher who does. 

Connect with Kimberly on twitter at https://twitter.com/1wholeads

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